The Healthy Transformation® (HT) Tracker App is a personalized, engaging, and easy-to-use platform that helps your practitioner track your weight loss and maintenance progress while you’re on one of the plans from the Healthy Transformation Medical Weight Management Support Program.
The HT Tracker App allows you to:
Journal your meals, supplements, and hydration while on the go
Communicate securely with your Healthy Transformation Healthcare Provider
Track biometric data with the Healthy Transformation Scale and Activity & Sleep Band, with seamless Bluetooth syncing through the App
Access the Healthy Transformation Video Library
Set your weight-loss and activity goals
See graphs to help you monitor your progress
The HT Tracker App is integrated with the Apple Health app to allow you to sync, track, and monitor your steps.
After you’ve accomplished your weight loss, use the HT Tracker App to help you maintain your success with diet and lifestyle strategies and recommendations supported by research. The HT Tracker App is the technology companion to the Healthy Transformation Medical Weight Management Program.
Visit to learn more.